Thursday, May 15, 2008


yesterday I had the morbid urge to take a picture of a toe.

the skin surrounding the nail was pink as a baby's toe
though the size was not of a baby's,
it was of a man's
a man that didn't walk
though he lived on the streets

the nail though seemed to had been around
it was as long and twisted as time
with layers of the color of time

though it wasn't mine to stare at it
i am guilty of staring at it in my mind
i am guilty of seeing something worth of words

i am guilty for seeing the mere toe

...and walk away.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Extraño...extrañamente desnivelado

Ya sé que el mundo anda desnivelado en muchos sentidos pero hoy día todo, TODO, está físicamente desnivelado.
Me paré y los primeros indicadores fueron todos los ángulos de el ático donde vivo.
Me estuve bañando y el agua se almacenaba al lado contrario de el sifón.
Pelando un mango, todo el jugo que goteaba no caía de la mesa, se arrinconaba en la esquina.
Bajando del 14 en la Misión vuelo a posar mi pie en la calle y se me dobla el tobillo.
Jodido cuando una usa suecos.
Un lado de mi cara parece estar mas ancho que el otro.
Necesito hidratarme. base del vaso parece que está disciplinada por la lógica de las mareas.

Y hablando de mareas...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Meet me in Berlin

So after recognizing each other's words we decide to meet in Berlin.

"Meet me in Berlin.
Wear something grey.
Wear your smile to recognize whom I imagined.
...from there we'll see."

And so expectations are what they are: Ideals.
And ideals are what they are: Ideals.

Let's have a beer instead!